
Some writer tried giving guys a taste of their own medicine by sending them unsolicited vagina pictures (not technically hers, but represented as such).

I never would have guessed that OSHA 29 CFR Part 1926.601(b)(4) was the regulation those guys with the "FBI: Female Body Inspector" shirts were enforcing.

"the long-dead Celebrimbor, a demagogue craftsman"

Blackstreet's album Another Level has a FIVE-MINUTE answering machine message from someone's mom called "The Motherlude." It also features a four-minute radio hit they did in its entirety, and a bunch of other "interludes" to fill out EVERY LAST BIT of that CD running time.

I was visiting my dad when The Phantom Menace came out, and we saw it on opening day. We were both stunned at how awful it was, and I remember advancing the proposition that it was the worst movie I'd ever seen in a theater. So it's not like the hate was just manufactured after the fact.

"The same thing we do every night, Pinky…lie about taking fire in Iraq!"

The original ICE Middle-Earth CCG was incredibly complicated, but also incredibly deep, and a lot of the card art was gorgeous.

The Burn Notice finale's position on that chart confuses me, because it was goddamn nonsense (as was much of the last two seasons), whereas most of the show's run was really enjoyable.

'which ends with a drawled country cover of “Forever Young,” accompanied by a slideshow of dogs in military regalia.'

I hadn't heard that, but it sounds promising. A Monsters reboot would be weak, because cheap CGI isn't nearly as hilarious as cheap puppetry unless it's Birdemic-level bad.

Only if there's a reboot of Monsters or Tales from the Darkside to run back-to-back with it.

I tried to wear my Dad's watch after he died, but it wouldn't keep time on my wrist. It always worked fine for him, and it kept time when I didn't wear it, but it lost an hour a day when I wore it. I had the battery replaced, but it didn't matter.

Masters of the Universe ruined GI Joe for me. Other than the weapons, I felt like GI Joe guys were all just the same guy in different disguises.

100% serious: I cried when I turned 5 because I knew it was pretty much downhill from there

And a lot of the toys actually did something interesting! Kobra Khan was AWESOME because he sprayed water, for example. The one Horde dude exploded like a GI Joe with a firecracker stuck in its waistband, just by pushing a button on its chest.

That Youtube clip reminds me: Is there a way to make Youtube go back to not playing a "related" video once the one I played ends?

Objectivity—trying to find the facts as best one can, without pre-existing bias—is good. It's neutrality—the whole "these people say the plane crashed, these people say it was stolen by aliens, who can tell?" routine—that's a problem.

"Counting Stars" is passable. It's not fantastic or anything, but I didn't rush to turn it off when it came on the radio. At the very least, it's the best OneRepublic song (although Ryan Tedder co-wrote Ella Henderson's excellent "Ghost").

The weirdest thing about Scooby-Doo's plot (there was only one) was that the villains always assumed ghost sightings would keep tourists away, and they were CORRECT. Most episodes featured dialog like, "the place hasn't had much business since the HOLY SHIT GLOWING GHOST PIRATE CAPTAIN showed up! Apparently, people

Is that you, Niles?