
It’s almost as if levying tariffs on imported steel helps American steel workers in the short term, but hurts all of the American companies who use the steel they make! Who knew! (Lots of people knew.)

“GM saved over $500 million from the tax cuts”

Dear Salty,

I have a feeling he knows deep down that horse has left the barn.

Not a lawyer. I think the term is “gross negligence”. The contract doesn’t protect the shop because their action of the employee (illegal u-turn) is clearly “grossly negligent”.

Jesus christ we are so insanely germ phobic. Millions (yes, millions, about 6 million in fact) of people fly every day. What percentage of those have ice? Even if it’s 10%, that’s 600k a day, or 219,000,000 a year. How many of those people are getting seriously ill from airplane ice? If it was more than a handful,

Is this a big city price? Think it would be more approachable for less urban and more sub-urban folks?

The Rams and Chiefs just played the greatest Monday Night Football game ever and the Deadspin recap managed to work in two shots at the Buffalo Bills.

WI, MI and MN have similar climate to CA?

This is terrible for Smith, but on the bright side, this is a perfect opportunity to sign a quarterback who’s out of the league right now, and has been involved in his share of controversy, but could really turn a team around with his level of play.

I hope people know my ulterior motive of this series is to create the irony of people complaining how it’s a dead horse and yet click/comment every time we post it

It is.  12 inches from the curb gets you a ticket in Chicago.

Thank you.  I was scrolling down to see if someone had pointed this out already.  That’s really a shit parking job.

Ok... This guy was already a dick in my book...but really?

An Enterprise spokesperson got back to us with a statement shortly after we published:

“Plenty of parking” my left nut. I can’t think of any Chicago neighborhood where there is enough room for the residents cars plus 38 more.

Yeah, this is a weak attempt at outrage. She gave a meaningless non-answer to a journalist she didn’t give a damn about.

The tone of this piece is unsettling to disturbing.

An apparently old saying that is suddenly in favor: “The Right looks for converts, the Left looks for traitors.”  Welcome to Splinter.

I just don’t get how we’re going to go directly to a solidly leftist Democratic party taking the White House and both chambers of Congress relying solely on urban and rural voters, completely bypassing the Orange County-type areas. It’s not the 1930's anymore, that doesn’t seem to be a workable coalition. Why ignore