
I know i’m supposed to feel bad for Ivanka, but I can’t. Fuck her. Fuck her husband. They are going to make billions off the american taxpayer and have no shame or remorse or anything resembling human emotions. I might feel the slightest bit of pity for the kids, except then I remember they’re all fucking rich and

That’s why they didn’t say no. They are just making him sit on his hands for being a little shit. Which they have every right to do.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I’m waiting for Jack Dorsey to pull the trigger, waiting like a lion waits for an elderly and/or ailing wildebeest.


Agreed. The black ram went off the road and hit the cable box long before the Xfinity truck was there. This is people going way too fast for conditions.

No, you’re not. Hating on Comcast just gets more eyes.

Actually, after watching the video, 100% (yes, 100%) of the fault is the ASSHOLES that are going way, way WAY too fast for the road conditions. I see it every single fucking time it snows out here in WI, where people think that they can just keep going 40mph+ in snow, on ice, and without any type of snow tires

The Comcast guy wasn’t wrong at all.

completely agree. if the hill is that “blind” and a real accident had taken place, it would be just as bad. actually worse.

Am I the only one that places the blame on the shithead motorists driving too fast for conditions over the top of a hill?

Fucking Jerkoff in the black shitbox truck was cooking down that road, and i imagine those breaks have about 200k of mileage

Dollars to doughnuts the owner did it himself for the publicity and insurance. I think it will be easily discovered, but something tells me that this guy isn’t the type to really think things through...

 I came for the same was hoping it would blow up

I am not a big fan of V8's. But damn, I will admit, that’s a monster. 585ci with a 7250 RPM redline? I have to give thumbs up to that.

Your fellow zonie boys do seem to love rolling their Jeeps over! But I built mine with a full custom cage and no roof so it wouldn’t be an issue. Rolled it back over (by myself while my buddy went to get of all things, his Grand Cherokee that was parked about a mile and a half away), pulled the plugs and turned it

I blame Hillary.

I blame the closing of the coal mines.

I don’t know man. You hear a story like this and you just have to wonder how these burglars could be so gripped by that much economic anxiety.

He bought the car; it is no longer Ferrari's property.