Yeah $$ is not the reason I’m not rocking an outdated Apple laptop.
Yeah $$ is not the reason I’m not rocking an outdated Apple laptop.
I think the not wrong but still an asshole saying applies here.
Agreed. My first thought when I read that was “unacceptable.”
You motherfuckers need to chill the fuck out. Just because you disagree with someone ideologically doesn’t mean they’re a bad person.
This shit isn’t about black vs white.
I fucking meditated today. Like what the fuck is that, right? I thought to myself “I’m a balanced, fat, Buddha fuck.”
I turn into asshat when I’m dishing out hot takes.
Let me arrogantly roll my eyes to the back of my head.
Post Malone is unpleasant to look at.
SHS always looks like she’s undergoing high G training
Fur momma and Fur Dad is usually code for I have serious qualms about the fact that I don’t have children yet.
Fuck your dog
I always side on the side of the grieving family if for nothing else than show them some compassion. It is difficult not to empathize when someone loses a loved one despite whatever the circumstances might be. At the same time I make a concerted effort to not to come to abrupt conclusions since unlike them I’m not…
I do what I want
Secret Aardvark Habanero Sauce
Actually CEOs put growth ahead of profit all the time. His comment was silly but so was yours. I won’t assume what generation you’re from because you’re kind of a cunt.
You can do whatever the fuck you want. Strangers in public can also tell you whatever the fuck they want.....
All of you act like you had to sell your unborn child for that damn steak. It’s a hunk of dead cow you can eat it however the fuck you want.