
Common Jewel (Midwest represent) pleb checking in. The one by my house is really stepping up their game. Plus I appreciate that the employees are union and they help the community by giving work to kids and adults with mental disabilities. I can’t hate on WF in that regard because they take care of their employees as

You are correct. There is no such thing is pesticide free agriculture. Most of the vegetables and fruit would look like complete shit anyways. I have apple trees and I have seen what truly organic apples look

I’ve had enough of Greenberg’s DSLs

WTF is wrong with these people? Get the plates and call the fucking cops.


Very likely he was kidnapped for ransom. The family likely cannot divulge anymore information without risking retribution. In Mexico you pay your ransom and are thankful your Tio came back with all his fingers. The last thing you want to do is piss off the fuckers off when they basically operate with fucking no

Your neighbor isn’t wrong. You’re kinda shitty.

Well it is Toyota. As someone that drives a Toyota is can tell you that they don’t give a shit what we think and won’t give us what we want until we’re good and ready to move onto something else. It is a love hate relationship.

Looks like you dodge a bullet with that one.

Well they’re way too fucking expensive. Old man walked into a dealer and bought a lariat supercrew FX4 for around 32k in 2002. In today’s money that is around 45k.

Yup. Gonna be great until I back that bitch into something or one of the fart machines kicks.

Trust the Process

What he say? These tyrants won’t let the Twits through the DNS.

That’s why I think he should have someone else write for him instead of insisting on being such a coont about it. He can get a team of writers and can oversee as he travels the world and slathers his plump pale body in coconut oil. idgaf.

I don’t want to start this argument but I guess I will. Semi-auto weapons aren’t going anywhere. There are so many of them out there and there so many Americans out there that want them that they just aren’t. What we need to do is make them harder to get. Background checks, training, yearly or bi-yearly recerts. Any

They’re going to visit Obama. It is gonna be badass.

Maybe they should try catering to people that don’t think they’re part of a fake as biker gang. Maybe they should stop building shitty bikes. Maybe their riders shouldn’t all act like they have a stick up their ass.

Brought home 2 boxes of Steak-ummm once. Fully expected it to be gross and bought it because it was on sale and out of curiosity on what would possibly live within that frozen box. I’m generally considered to be a bottomless pit and let me tell you that shit was nasty. It tasted like a piece of paper that someone
