Black guy playing hockey. Am shook.
Black guy playing hockey. Am shook.
The guy lives and works in the country and obviously has deep cultural and family ties. I don’t see it as much of a surprise. Plus being on the National team has much more prestige in Mexico than it does here. Best of luck to him :)
The elite in Mexico are fucking banking..... Everyone else is fucked but those bastards are raking in the wealth of an entire nation.
Have some connects in the italian food industry in town. Nobody gives shit. Non-issue.
The Trump vs. Bannon death match is intriguing. Is there a way for both of them to lose?
It is fucked up what the Uber driver did but also don’t make out in the Uber. It is fucking weird and uncomfortable regardless of orientation.
Looks like someone busted a nut on your noodles
Gratitude? I do it cus I like it.....
I need more coffee
Yeah we have that in Chicago. We just call it pizza.
I don’t think a tax is the solution to this. Maybe we should look at eliminating the amount of food that we waste every year. The amount of stuff that goes into the garbage everyday could probably feed millions. Less waste = less produced. I don’t think you should mess with how much it costs people to feed themselves.…
Jet powered cars on the list of things that I think are super cool but I can’t be bothered to read about. I know nobody is asking my opinion. It’s just that I realized that and I didn’t know my mind could contradict itself like that. I’m in crisis.
Cars sound better in the dry and cold winter air. Must sound amazing driving around the loop with the top off.
Avocado toast has already left me in financial ruin.
Taco dorados , cabron.
That poor Y33. Mine is still in the garage waiting for the day I have money to restore it. Ultimate highway cruiser.
His very forgiving landlord.
Fuck em
Don’t start shit, won’t be shit.
I own a nice heavyweight flannel from them. I don’t think I can justify the cost considering that the stuff isn’t made in the USA. Rather just go to Farm and Fleet and get the same chinese stuff for less.
I own a nice heavyweight flannel from them. I don’t think I can justify the cost considering that the stuff isn’t…