
General Sterling Archer.

Ours leaked. Water is inside now.

Ours leaked. Water is inside now.

I would never buy another one these again. The top has a lot of crevices and doesn’t protect where your lips go and the base is not dishwasher safe.

I would never buy another one these again. The top has a lot of crevices and doesn’t protect where your lips go and

Now they put their resources into something useful like making an aviation headset out of these.

Is this video really from yesterday? I’m it's not DOA like the suspension.

I'm glad someone is doing this.

Lol at least you can laugh about it. Asshole is as asshole does 😂

Pretty much everything you type is incredibly passive aggressive if not just asshole-ish. I’m sorry you have been affected by what you’re mom went through to turn you into what you’re showing here. I hope you get some mental health help.

It is insane! “Join now and we will give you some batteries, a pizza, and uhhhh... a bag of CHIPS!”

It is insane! “Join now and we will give you some batteries, a pizza, and uhhhh... a bag of CHIPS!”

Low-speed high-side or a high-speed low-side, pick your poison.

“What’s funny is who is replacing him.”

Pretty sure Captain Phasma was only created so that there’s a halloween costume specifically for girls. I mean she was named after a Disney movie.

I fleshed it out for him.


TL;DR: calorie counts are not exact. You’ll never have exact numbers in how many calories you’re eating because of portion inaccuracies, cooking methods and individual digestive variations.

To be clear, not my name.

I agree, Focus’s are surprisingly cramped.

Reminds me of real life last name - Glasscock.