
My first aftermarket stereo was a Kenwood because I thought “they must be the shit if Gordon Murray is putting a BMW V12 AND a Kenwood in the F1.”

That’s awesome that the pilot landed safely then rejoined the demo, warms my heart. But at least McNerney said they’re keeping the factory open for new aircraft.


This article brings up good points and data about over testing.

Sheeit I have a plug-in computer that’s incredibly thin yet has a speaker, 2 ports, switches, wi-fi, a built in screen, a camera, it makes phone calls...

Or just as well a MTHDF. Magic talking horse direction finder.

WLTDF. Winning lottery ticket direction finder.

I wonder if erosion of the spikes is a potential problem.

5.5lbs of food and almost a gallon of water per day?? I hope he has bomb bay doors on that thing.

After further review of the play, the ruling on the field is reversed.

That’s a fine ass.

For a second I thought you were going to say you were a therapist or neurosurgeon.

Yeah but people don't feel like doing it.

Wiring is flexible but sometimes it’s sealed up behind a brick wall or behind the drywall you just wallpapered. Or it’s old knob and tube that’s about to burn the house down.

You know, I think that comes from how we were raised- being scolded, etc for bad behavior so we learned to dislike/hate behaviors that we are guilty of ourselves at some point or right now.

Why does Jalopnik have to be such shill and fanboy of Ferrari?????

If he’d only listened to Doc.

The New Yorker has had 2 relevant articles about this. The better, more indepth one is from 2010!

“but dismayed that in 2014, it’s still a contentious topic.”

I’m pretty sure bacon will never be “good”. Poor piggies.