
What a fucking click bait headline.

Into the greys.

I assume this covers all the at risk areas for Washington. The highest tide I see is over 5m which is a lot better than the 40m seen in Japan. Lots of stuff would get hit and lots of money lost but nothing like Japan.

Thank you, your eminence.

Seriously fuck you. I had Jalopnik open the last time I left safari so when I open safari I get this. Fuck you.

No, the savings get passed on to the executives. This is not society working, it's a few increasing profit margins.

At this point he might was well be arguing that his body was in his seat, in the cockpit and in the toilet taking a poop all at the same time.

I would assume the two systems are physically separated. If that’s the case and if it’s also the case he did what he says he did I guess he’s just made some leaps in entanglement... .

I understand with that amount power and RWD you’re going to have launch problems but I would have also thought that they would be using a launch control system approaching something like F1. At any rate the sounds were hugely disappointing, maybe it was the driver.

Surely you would feel the same way if this happened to your fictional daughter who was just standing in line getting a corndog at her first race.

Why is the non-boob part of her chest so big? I guess everyone is a unique flower.

I think Michael Schumacher used to own one.

I do think he’s legitimately smart, like someone who would ace the SATs, but a lot of other people in the world, probably in the millions, could as well given the right circumstances. And that’s been it for him, he’s had the right circumstances to be where he is. He’s also constantly failing so you can’t say he's

F you spoiler.

Truly. As Elon Musk has turned watts into widgets.

Haven’t you realized we don’t have flying cars because people keep saying we will be getting flying cars? If you say we won’t be getting autocars then of course they’ll be here next March as early 2017 models.

Something like ‘your typical classic car pollutes more sitting in the driveway than a modern car does while driving X miles’. And scooters. Don’t forget the hipsters saving then planet with their brown, open face helmet with orange stripes.

And Vespas cause the other 95%. Look it up.

Meh. If they’re flying over an area that’s expected to be having problems it’s really no different than your typical police helicopter flying over with thermal imaging which they've had for awhile. And haven’t there been stories of the police/sheriff using those for just snooping on people for shits and giggles.