
“I want universal healthcare and I don’t care how many people get injured in the process” is certainly a position. 

So really nothing has changed since the school Prom...? Everyone gets dressed up and then spends 2/3 of the night in the bathroom.

In order to believe Tara Reade, one has to accept two other things as true:

Just say not to what? The democratic process? There isn’t an eye-roll emoji big enough to respond to your nonsense. Elections matter, hundreds of federal judges are at stake, women’s reproductive rights are at stake, 50 years of control of the courts and democracy are at stake.

So my eye went straight to Kylie Jenner in those two different angles of pretty much the same photo. Her extremely hard posing looks wild from the angle photo that’s not her own selfie. No wonder so many people look ridiculous making those poses.

How timely that we would be looking at snapshots and selfies of imbeciles sucking cigarettes in an enclosed, windowless room while people are dying of suffocation in a pandemic. Who says irony is dead?

The Mexican market in downtown El Cajon is better stocked, especially with with produce than is my local Alberson’s.

Everyone, put on your mask and gloves, lace up your shoes and take a fucking walk. We’ve all been inside for way too long. Slowly close that laptop and get some fresh air to your brain.

This dude has been holding on to those 3 hairs like Homer Simpson for at least15 years

You ain’t the only one. It’s like he’s trying to hold on to Compton braids, with a hair line that moved to the suburbs years ago.

This looks interesting...

Very possible -- it was all written into the community bibles back then. A page could have been damaged.

None of these natural remedies below should be taken without consulting a doctor or naturopath,...

We very recently went through the trend of people sunning their assholes for the gram and THIS is what broke her?

McCray has a pretty good range of experience, although the stuff she has done with ThriveNYC isn’t anything impressive.  It just sucks that the discussion now is going to be about her being his wife more than anything else that she might accomplish, which is a good reason not to pick your wife or kids or relatives to

I did a reverse Becky/Karen today! O yes I did!

Only if nurses are prepared to sign up for a 128 month loan...

She deserves to be heard. But it’s noteworthy that the only person who has ever accused Joe Biden (who was vice president for eight years) of something remotely as serious as this has such comically built-in credibility issues. I mean, if you were growing a person in a lab to have their accusations of misconduct

You're more optimistic than I am about the number of people who are familiar with the Library of Babel.

e e cummings is writing spam now?