
They’re not his parents.

A conservatorship doesn’t make you family. Adoption does, and adoption was available.

No, it’s just the same lies the Tuohys told him.

The point is, if he was in a conservatorship, his NFL deals may have been written to funnel his earned money to the Tuohys who controlled the conservatorship - and still do.

“Michael got every dime, every dime he had coming.”

“A lot of people have felt the need to complain on her behalf.”

“ In an update today, Musk revealed today that an MRI on Monday showed his right shoulder blade rubbing against his ribs and that the condition requires “minor surgery” to fix with a few months of recovery time.”

So they’re Felonystarting their next game?

Yep, you got me. When I get my welfare check I go down to Planned Parenthood and ask them to look up my ass and find something to abort even though I’m not pregnant. And male.

“Tracy Chapman should shut up and be grateful a white man is making money off of her song”

If it was about class he’d promote union membership.

Which probably means his backers bought him an empty lot for PR.

Also the sides are bad in some different ways.

When this guy says he’s centrist it likely means center relative to the people he knows, and he knows a lot more far-right people and nobody on the far left.

To be fair the alt-right Mumford guy got booted from the band.

Conservatives are cowards: Note that it’s the Republican legislators you hear who, behind the scenes, confess they are “too afraid of their crazy voters to stand up to Trump etc”. Democrats are also at risk of being shot by crazy Republican voters. But the Democrats still do the right thing (re Trump).

Richmond was the capitol of the Confederacy. So fuck this guy.

Look dumbass. You can take cameras and spend all day getting video of the burned ruins. Nobody’s hiding what happened.

Transmen can have children. I suspect Musk doesn’t approve of that.

Also I bet if you go through his tweets you’d find some bullshit mocking pregnant transmen. Whose fertility is clearly working okay.