
Oh cool you’re over here now.

Angela Merkel like “Sorry I’m washing my hair that day”

“A White House source told CNN that the valet exhibited “symptoms””

And tomorrow a bunch of WW2 veterans are going to be there for a goddamn photo op, traveling from all over the country.

“He makes a fateful decision to swindle would-be Chinese immigrants seeking passage into Florida from Cuba. Instead of transporting them as agreed, he murders the Chinese middle-man and puts the men ashore in Cuba”

Hey, if some hard evidence comes out next year, I don’t care if Biden is driven out of office or impeached by Democrats. That’s fine. In fact I’d be all for it. Especially if Warren is VP.

“she wrote a complaint on a clipboard attached to the fridge in a HR office but she can’t remember which one

“It’s going to be an endless line of republican boogeymen”

Well, we need to be working *now* to get Democrats elected at all levels. Or even non-Democrats for state and local seats if they have a realistic shot and can caucus with Democrats.

Republicans specialize in accusing the opponent of what they themselves are guilty of.

Tara “reminded” the neighbor what happened before the neighbor talked to the media, so the neighbor’s recollections aren’t untainted.

The hottest day in April 1993 was 25 April when the temperature reached 79.0°F.

It worked out for the accusation that he complimented a 14 year old girl’s breasts in 2008. Turns out he wasn’t at the event that year, he’d had sinus surgery. And he wasn’t there the year before, he was in Iowa campaigning. And the year after he was vice president, so that surely would have made it even more

I’m surprised Pirro got masks for a hospital.

Drain the swamp meant “swamp the drain”

I wish he would die during the pandemic so we could skip holding a state funeral.

I think it was a factory worker making a statement.

“ That’s why I think it was teenagers and/or drunks.”
