
Union looks like she might have a bit of an umbilical hernia going on. Might want to get that fixed. (I had one, had it fixed in 2012.)

Also the cabinet bed patent would have expired by the time the Murphy came around, anyway, and the whole point of patents being published is so that they can be used by others.

He probably bailed after he found out he wasn’t going to get that Muppet fortune after all.

“charter school”

“He kept trying to have a threesome with Khloe, also dressed up as Kanye, so he could experience the Trinity.”

“I mean... if you’re mad that A Man is getting credit, cover Kantor and Twohey themselves more on this site?”

Thinking that it’s big news that many women don’t menstruate shows that a tendency to mansplain from a position of ignorance can survive a gender transition.

Probably follows 100 Russian bot accounts.


It’s interesting how they look like they could be eSports players, rather than superhuman climbing machines.

Intellivision II, I see you.

Turns out she was saved by an off-the-charts level of midichlorians.

“ the show drops a certain card in like the first 4 minutes.”

You realize, don’t you, that the date is a guess, not a scientific prediction. It could happen even sooner.

He’s been given the strength of a million sub-bloodcell-sized robots.

Kind of a silly thing to say without knowing where that gazebo is located. Maybe it’s well away from the water, indicating a significant amount of sea level rise by 2057.

Pfft. We’re going with PEDs. Performance Enhancing Demons.

Friends and colleagues of her father, maybe? They probably weren’t all dead.

That would seem to be one of the perils of the publishing industry that she might have picked up on.

Real billionaires don’t get involved in fake universities that have to refund $25 million to defrauded students.