
Especially public school administrators.

Doctor Tremors

Dog walker:

Those big ones are pretty harmless. Their sting is weak and they prefer to use their claws, which is why the pincers are so big. It’s also why they’re used in movies. Impressive size and low risk.

At least they do you the favor of glowing under UV. Spiders and snakes aren’t so accommodating.

Madonna-Whore By Proxy?

“To be fair - if she was cool with him totally retooling her wardrobe and wearing what he wants before, why wouldn’t she be now?”

What? They’re not going to have the 1970s Amazing Spider-Man show with Nicholas Hammond as Peter Parker?

A fair number of them are listed yet not available.

Instead of the rockets, how about ballast tanks in front and back, with water pumped back and forth as needed to adjust the center of gravity?

“you would need green/blue lasers and iirc those are illigal for civilians”

You’d definitely want to use green lasers, since they seem to be so much brighter for a given power input. I think the eye is more sensitive to green, as well.

If it’s not comfortable and he’s too much of a pussy to just deal with it he could always get one of those fluffy sheepskin seat belt covers.

I really doubt that a UK school would teach students “look at all the shitty things Bush has been doing”. At most it’d be simple coverage of the most basic current events while staying away from “Bush approves torture” etc.

Then don’t act like a twitter cop.

“Only my opinion, but actors aren’t exactly the best source of contemporary political discourse.”

Her beginnings were actually on British TV.

I bet the dude who got shot was injured in a Pulp Fiction accidental discharge scenario.

“set up a potential retrial for Killer Becky with the Elmer Fudd face and paint negroes as stupid.”

I insist on cars with warm, pulsating gorilla scrotum buttons.