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Clickspring but with cars would be excellent. This Old House is close but I think they mostly talk about what they’re going to do, or what they did, or stop and say what they’re in the middle of doing, but not much detail about the actual doing.


“15 part build wouldn’t work for TV.”

I suspect the Peugeot may have been driven by someone unaccustomed to driving in the UK. The travel lane in the UK is on the left, with passing on the right. Presumably a slow vehicle would keep toward the left edge of a one-lane road to leave room on the right for people to pass. The Morgan driver may have expected

In the UK, which side is the “slow lane” on? Is it on the right, as in the US, or on the left, because of the UK driving on the left?

Cutting edge personal audio in 1994 was probably the Sony Minidisc.

You’re thinking of Sandusky.

Um, this seems like a pretty short-lived “crisis”. It’s not like Apple is pulping the trees to make paper and will buy an infinite number. They only have a finite amount of landscaping to do. Once they’re done, things will return to normal, more or less.

We don’t have to because the victim’s lawyers are talking about it.

“You know male circumcision became popular in the west as a way to curb masturbation, right?”

Race cars are not Tron cycles.

Wasn’t there a knob much like that in one of the Star Wars movies?

Scott Haney of Hartford ate cat vomit on air. And he knew he was on camera.

“The author of this post has distorted the claim.”

What makes you think he didn’t read a single word?

“If no one responds adequately, did you ever entertain the notion that maybe your method is flawed?”

Bullshit grifter.

“Primarily what’s happened is the inner-city indoor malls have died”

“Malls would be perfect for apartment complexes with communal areas.”

LARPing in a roleplaying game set in a world where magic works.