
“but his videos are funny so what to do?”

You can stop watching his videos without bothering to unsubscribe. I only subscribe to a few people on YouTube (all about machining metal etc) but there’s only one which I really keep up with.

Some politics are of minimal importance. Like whether your town council decides to spend money to put a ludicrous inflatable dome roof on the new pool they’re building. Annoying, but not really something to end friendships about.

“The thing he’s pointing out is directly related to culture”

“I don’t understand if you do, why you’d deprive yourself of something you love”

“We do live in a society where whites are being used as the scapegoat for everything bad”

For Republicans, “Climate change is real and needs to be taken seriously.”

I bet he searched eBay every day looking for his dream car.

“Is there any chance at all that our stupid country will have learned it’s lesson and put up a qualified candidate in 2020?”

You get a coffee enema! You get a coffee enema! You get a coffee enema! Everyone gets a coffee enema!

What the fuck kind of name is Jafari anyway.

So, what cars/engines can you *not* put these on?

Man, it looks like a cloud of fluff, but that woman gets shoved like she got hip checked.

“That all may be true, but Hank Azaria is still a white person.”

“what do you do with cis men who simply lie?”

“but how do you stop cis people from lying and then demanding bathroom access?”

“So what was the campus police’s solution? To warn women about the dangers of going out alone.”

On the other hand: Stephen Colbert.

“I’ll be honest: from an engineering standpoint, the Nazis did some amazing things that should be preserved in ALL their glory.”