
Porn seems to be closely associated with porn-hoarding. Whenever you hear about someone getting caught with child porn, there’s always a computer full, or thousands of polaroids or whatever.

“If anything is to be learned from this frankly horrifying tragedy, it’s that digital porn collections are safest practice.”

I’m getting kinda tired of my 2012 Juke’s tiny gas tank and excessive road/wind noise. No mechanical issues to speak of in 35,000 miles, apart from a couple of recall fixes.

His line of yoga pants suck, though. Why would he think fringed leather would be a good idea?

Or perhaps if the funnel-shaped part’s edge were shaped in such a way that tightening the clamps around the hose moved the funnel and created the opening.

Somebody put a pin on the back of a flag badge and present it to Donald Trump as a prestigious military decoration. He’d wear that shit on his chest everywhere.

That’s how my cat insisted on sleeping. He’d nag me to lay down and spoon with him, especially right when I got home from work. Sometimes he’d let me know by sitting on the nightstand until I laid down on my side. After about 15 minutes he’d have had enough and would move down to the foot of the bed.

“I dunno, for a lot of men hair on the sides is just a problem from the beginning.”

It’d be used for advertising, obviously.

Those People, the people who feel oppressed and threatened when they hear “press one for English”.

She needs some kind of residential long-term rehab that is also a community college type thing. Rehab, general education, and training in a marketable skill.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen one. Probably didn’t sell much in New England.

Eh, the air won’t be spending much time between those sheets of metal before entering the engine. It isn’t like a short ram intake under the hood where its sucking air that has meandered through the hot engine compartment.

It’s embarrassing, but it was only a few years ago that it really clicked that MLK Jr was assassinated just three years before I was born.

“DDA is filled with crooks...”

I’ll always remember when he said, roughly, “BAAACKKKLUUUND! BREAK! BREAK! *eats stuffing*”

Based on the size of the styrofoam, that’s a tiny piano.

Squirrels are honorable creatures with a remarkable capacity for heroic self-sacrifice for the greater good.

Oh, they’ll still claim we found WMDs, ignoring that what was found was old stuff past its use-by date that we already knew about.

“Trump is all over the place on social issues”