
Aw, the time capsule contained Confederate values. They were preserved in perfect condition.

“His rule, and the horrors of the Nazi, made the German people vow to never go down that path again and in so doing bettered themselves in every way.”

“You can’t call him Hitler! He’s only killed 5 million Jews! Wait another million and then you can call him Hitler!”

Too bad the Republicans were more interested in fucking up Obamacare than in actually helping citizens.

Are you, a right-wing nut, under FBI surveillance? No? Then the vast majority of Muslim Americans deserve the same courtesy.

“the Nazis were rather competent at delivering on a lot of their promises, especially in terms of reinvigorating national pride and the manufacturing economy.”

“What is also pretty easy to see is the fact that there were no Jewish suicide bombers practicing Judaism’s equivalent of Jihad.”

“Yeah basically, were the Nazis bad if there was no Holocaust, and if yes, why?”

On the other hand, Ryan wants to take away old peoples’ healthcare and make them eat cat food.

Hitler was pretty incompetent also. He was probably the greatest advantage the Allies had.

“The Germans conquered a large portion of the (then) modern World with a 5-shot bolt action rifle, no steel or oil supply after the start, and no Navy to speak of.”

“Large numbers of Germans started going to the polls and voting for the Nazi party.”

They may have wanted those things, but the menu clearly stated that they ordered a main course of genocide with jobs and prosperity on the side.

“I think it is worth noting that Donald Trump is almost certainly not the next Hitler and that I generally find comparisons between Nazism, the Holocaust, and contemporary people and events highly distasteful and disrespectful of all those who lost their lives.”

If no candidates for Clerk of Courts don’t agree with me that Steve Hackett was the best part of early Genesis, I’ll have to write someone in.

People seem to think the candidate they vote for has to complete them. I’m sure the same people rarely vote in midterm elections or for local issues. It’s so hard to find a deeply passionate shared life essence with a local Planning and Zoning board candidate.

“I don’t know how anyone expects Americans to choose between that”

“After the scuffle Nielsen shouted ‘TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP’ and expressed an interest in finding a person of color to harass.”

Her apology was a bit excessive in extent, I think. I’m sure she had no control over the shoot, the hairstyle, and certainly not the later use of the photo on the cover.