
It’s utilitarian. Such buildings tend to be full of cables and automatic switches and not much else.

Lots of phone company “technical” buildings are windowless. That’s because they tend to be full of cables and switches. Why pay for windows?

Featuring teams made up of prison lifers and death row inmates?

Now someone needs to invent an astroturf ghillie suit uniform.

Sounds like you doooo want a safe space.

Nice. Unexpected Iron Maiden cover.

Sorry, just to be clear, are you demanding that Jalopnik be a safe space for you?

That cheese you had as gametime snack of the week is fucking expensive.

“animal testing”

Pigs aren’t endangered.

Do you think the FAA shouldn’t impose regulations on airlines, aircraft maintenance, and airport operation? Just let everybody improvise?

That’s a separate matter entirely. Companies are free to succeed or fail in how they try to meet government targets.

“It’s not someone else’s job to make sure I’m thinking long term, why should it be the governments job to do that for businesses?”

That’ll be awesome for exports. Not.

It looks like she is wearing a headset?

Is she wearing a headset?

Middle name: Room

Speaking of which, are we taking bets on when Madge does the obvious career move and starts doing ads for Palmolive?

He’s looking down trying to figure out how to get their cash.

Yep. They have several of those nutty-ass places around the country.