
The problem is that you think video game character underwear is in any way interesting.

“explore a side of the game that was kept from you.”

This is dumb.

I bet that Raptor seat is going to be warranty-removed and swapped into the dealership owner or manager’s personal vehicle.

Florida? Someone will probably try to smoke or freebase the contents of a lithium battery. “You smash the phone, take out the battery, stuff it in your pipe, and jab a razor into it.”

Wait 6 months and Samsung will ditch the headphone jack.

iPhones will power down if they get too hot, but there’s not much it can do if, say, the phone is placed on the dashboard of a car in the hot Australian sun.

Yeah, it was probably sitting on the dash, in the sun, wrapped in clothes, and either plugged in, or running at first. Eventually the temp would cause a shutdown, but the internal heat of operation would also add to the externally-applied heat contributed by the sun.

Let me guess: phone was wrapped up in clothes, and placed in a sunny spot, got really hot, and the batteries blew.

“I’m not saying AB acted right, what I am saying is that RZA defending Russell Crowe puts a bad taste in my mouth.”

Just in time for back-to-school shopping!

Ecuador may not want to help Assange help elect a man who is notably anti-Latino.

“It’s not a matter of “Trump has no self-control” so much as it’s a matter of “Self-control is for inferior people” in his mind.”

Hm. I wonder what they’ll use for police cars post-Brexit...

And Kendall is relatively low-profile. Not as thirsty as Kylie, etc.

““If the pandemic does come, Altman’s backup plan is to fly with his friend Peter Thiel [to] Thiel’s house in New Zealand.””

I think generally tarantulas and the more docile scorpions would look at a human body as just another substrate, like it was sitting on soil or mulch or a log. Not a threat - as long as you don’t squeeze or do something that might hurt the critter.

He’ll be dead by 2020.

Phil could have called him “Elderly Paul”

And apparently his hobby is learning about / collecting things related to The Alamo.