
Norway pays the EU a bunch of money, has the freedom of movement with the EU that Brexiters detest, and has much less influence on the EU than the UK had.

Norway’s deal with the EU includes freedom of movement. Which Brexiters don’t want. And Norway pays the EU a bunch of money, but doesn’t get the representation or voice in the EU that the UK has had.

Since the British bank Northern Rock was nationalized in 2008 because of its many bad mortgages, I don’t think they were laughing.

“It’d likely be state aid which isn’t allowed under WTO rules.”

Too bad the UK imports more than they export, therefore most everyone is paying more for stuff.

You really should get over your irrational fear and hatred of Mexicans.

“Brussels says you can’t fish here, even though it’s your water and your choice.”

That’s because nothing much has happened apart from the Bank of England flooding the system with cash.

“His plan was to push Brexit (success), make Cameron’s position untenable (success) and then replace Cameron (failure).”

“Finally, Putin didn’t pull this shit when Bush was President.”

Au contraire. England voted for Brexit. That’s what it looks like now.

Lamprey mouths.

But can you give it a custom tape, saying “Daniel... Daniel... pinch your sister.” and have the mouth and eyes work with the audio?

Weird. It’s in my Edit menu, and when I hit the keys the Edit menu flashes like it does when you invoke a keyboard shortcut, but the panel doesn’t appear.

“If they’re this stupid and naive, I have to wonder if the next step is they start to run it.”

They make their own gelatin for their hair. From animals. Probably. It’s the best gelatin.

Lady’s doing it for herself.

That’s possibly the worst tattoo in sports.

Then pray.

Weight shmeight. It’s a boat. Boats aren’t fast. Even fast boats aren’t fast compared to a land vehicle with as many HP.