Oops pls disregard my previous comment.
Oops pls disregard my previous comment.
They make cricket flour (or somesuch thing).
Thanks for saying this! I wish they could alter every western to more accurately reflect the true face of the wild west. I was really annoyed that I had to find out the truth from Drink History instead of in SCHOOL gdi!
Here’s another article that focuses on the “schools”
If they didn't fuck up my back I'd wear heels. Sometimes.
Wow haven’t felt so ugly/self-conscious about my aversion to wearing high heels like, ever. :'(
I just now saw my notifications! I want to share this site with you - it helped me understand what happened which was important so that I could forgive myself & stay to move forward: https://narcsite.com/
Yeah that's a classic npd hoover attempt. You're awesome for getting out when you did! Good job taking care of yourself & seeing through the bullshit. Some ppl take decades to get out & some never do. <3
Sorry for the late reply - I forget to check my kinja notifications.
Re: Chris Carraba - his family goes to my parents’ church. My brother has his autograph on a bulliten from the Christmas service some years ago.
Esp bc I heard that same story from a soldier I knew some years ago!
Omg remember those creepy fucking decorations that look like the back of a kid standing in the corner?! I'd freak out anytime I saw one after BW!
On the very rare occasions that I’ve actually watched scary movies I’ve spent a lot of time with my glasses off & my shirt pulled halfway up my face ready to cover my eyes as soon as something scary seems like it’s going to happen.
Thanks for sharing! I was getting very concerned that no one else mentioned him.
If I had a time machine I'd go back & tell young Chief Queef that scorpions can't swim.
Link pls?
Two strangers on the internet are proud of you! In addition, your writing style is superb & I'm super impressed by your description of how ptsd feels. I can relate. <3
Thankyou so very very very much for sharing this. I have to reexamine my childhood! <3
This is a really good & terrifying story. If it is true I want to let you know that you can get away. Just decide that you can do it and let the universe or your guardian angels or god/dess help you. You deserve better. We're all on your side & supporting you. YOU CAN DO IT - it might take a while & you might have to…