Captain Sarcasm

Depends on the people, I guess.

Are you kidding? How about I don't want to run to the copy shop every single time I need to print something, rather than having to buy an ink cartridge every few months. That sounds like a reason to me!

You're right, if you limited it to Americans, the curve would drop tremendously!

Well, see, that's a misconception. You don't get a check, it's just a hundred Soros Dollars to spend at Starbucks, Trader Joe's, Nordstrom, or Costco.

People have started holding up their IDs to prove that is right-wing bullshit.

Well, until you "get excited," it won't happen. It would be like me waiting around for somebody to come and clean my bathroom. Food for thought.

It's legit, and rather hilarious.

I think; therefore, ima roast your hog!

Was it his wiener?


Alan Jackson did one, but it wasn't a different song. I forget the name, but South Park parodied it so I always think of it as "Where Were You (When they Built the Ladder to Heaven)." That's not the actual title, but it's something like that.

No to you. They are not talking about censorship, they are talking about trigger warnings.

What the guy's saying is that a trigger warning is not the same thing as censorship. It's a warning, not an intervention.

But if you lost a spouse on September 10 or 12, or April 8, or May 20, I guess it doesn't matter, right?

I mean, I'm an amateur. In full disclosure, I clearly don't *know* this. I'm only speculating.

Well, therein lies the rub. I actually don't think Trevor Noah is funny. It was a poor decision, in my opinion.

I'm pretty sure that's not Oswalt's point. What he's implying is that it's impossible to load a short, snappy joke full of footnotes and caveats to explain to idiots with no sense of humor that it's a joke, and still have it actually be funny. A joke works because it surprises the listener. If you spent twenty minutes

The conservatives and racists also deflect their issues to what the other is doing, as if that makes their own flaws any less flawed. It's a disgusting trait.

No way, man! It was off-color, smelled just rancid, and was loaded with all kinds of nasty ST— oh, you mean his stand-up!