Captain Raymond Sexvibes

My mom threw some shade the other day, which surprised me because she’s not usually the type. I was talking about a work event and how a close colleague of mine, Ann, was there. Mom: “What was Ann wearing?” me: “Um... a white linen shirt and khakis.” Mom: “Oh [significant pause]. Well, that sounds dignified.”

Or maybe government is more or less immediately relevant to different people depending on individual factors in their lives.

I had a guy tell me that Clinton had lost his vote because the campaign sends him too many emails. Like that was the deciding factor there. IDK you guys, I just don’t know.

This is sort of off-topic but since you asked, it’s called “Blackish” to refer to the POV character’s anxiety about his Black identity -- i.e. he feels like he and his family aren’t “really” Black or Black enough because they’re wealthy, live in the suburbs, etc, whereas he grew up in the inner city with a very 80s

Honestly it’s hard to play the “reverse the genders” game when so many aspects of our weird fucked up society are brought into it. Like the fact that if a woman got sodomized in a movie it would be hardcore porn, but if a man does it’s a comedy. Pretty creepy all around when you think about it.

IDK. I always find it incredibly cringey when parents call out their own kids on social media, like there should be a boundary there.

And then the main character is ecstatic that his wife needs an emergency caesarian because it means her vagina won’t be affected. I’d enjoyed the show before that despite its problems but that honestly ruined it for me.

I agree that it’s BS, that’s kind of what the second paragraph of my post was saying. I see a lot of people refusing to take others’ personal statements at face value — i.e. if you say you’re bi you’re just gay and in denial, if you say you’re kinky you’re just trying to please men, if you say you’re asexual you’re

I mean, if you don’t like sex, of course life would be happier and more free without sex. Just like my life is happier and more free without bungee jumping.

It’s possible that she’s asexual or has a very low libido, and due to the conservative background she comes from believes that all women are like that, so the only reason they have sex is because men want it (doesn’t really explain women who have sex with women, of course).

Modeling isn’t really about being sexy or attractive, it’s about knowing how to make the clothes look good.

To be fair though, Kara, who writes this (tongue in cheek) column, is black.

The debates haven’t started yet...

A lot of lesbians and bi women don’t discover their orientation or come out until later in life, it’s a very common phenomenon.

fucking thank you. I’ve never read any of Gilbert’s books and feel no particular need to defend her, but the lesbophobia/biphopia/sapphobia in general in these comments is ridiculous.

Something to celebrate, no. But it’s something that’s hard to avoid for many queer women because the culture and communities around us very much want to convince us that we’re “really” straight. It can take a lot to break through compulsory heterosexuality.

If you’re straight it’s really none of your business how lgbt folks talk about our sexuality.

People tweet a lot of things. What point are you trying to make here?

Do other dermatologists hate her? ;)

Pretty sure it’s a joke. :) She has a farm, so they could be for a lot of things.