Captain President

needs more colloquial use of the letter 'z'

OMG. Gays. PANIC!!! (at the disco)

Or they end up on a mission in Idaho and the ensuing battle chops the potatoes into wedges then a laser beam attack fries them. JOJO POWER RANGERS!

To be fair, he is an idiot so…

Spoiler There ends up being a spirit in the sky!

Or maybe the cast decides not to return but the movie gets made anyway with even lesser known but unskilled actors. I'm thinking JOBLO POWER RANGERS

Humans are actually the bad guys or something

Yeah, having an actual crazy disfigured villain as opposed to just the dangers of the voyage turned it into Event Horizon. Not the worst thing you could do but nothing compared to what it was trying to do with the first 3/4 of the movie.

So was the title "Marstopus" taken or would that be too spoilerific?

Perhaps the next films will come at a discount and be shown back to back. I'm thinking BOGO POWER RANGERS

If Ollie starts talking to Ghost Dad I don't know what I will do.

The show Arrow must have dropped tons of acid back in its day, what with all the flashbacks.

Latin and
Latin and
Latin and

We should hit them with calling those using the argument "So you are for wealth distribution? Welcome to the Socialist Club!"

"Laws aren't for my guy, guy!"


Thanks Obama Trump

Nuke it from orbit. Only way to be sure.

Fuckin' Trump

I view "irregardless" not as an inverse of "regardless" but more like the "flammable" and "inflammable" relationship. But what do I know? I'm a bear. I eat the heads off of fishes!