Captain President

As well as Rene's look at Oliver when he was about to chow down on the second one in the episode.

She's at home…WASHIN' HER TIGHTS!

Not so lucky for the previous Canaries though. They basically all died in the mines.

This is not my day

Wait…there's more?

This is fucking stupid.

Thanks. Apologies.

Stop talking about Final Fantasy. I can't play all these games again right now and still keep my job!

Forbidden Machina.

Yeah, but that only happens overseas.


It's gonna be full of uncanny dong.

Yeah, but The Turks were cool and not imbred.

But his tentacles would be too small to do anything.

Milhouse as Suicide Incarnate "You cho-cho-cho-choose me!?"

Yeah, but he's a white immigrant so that's fine.

Well what the fuck…

I especially liked the one where Donald posts this picture on Facebook and asks what you think. A school kid replies: "I would berry (sic) my dick so far into your ass, the person who could pull it out would be crowned King Arthur."

You put them in a place where you can keep an eye on them. See: Montana.

Interesting. The British Documentary "The Power of Nightmares" embodies that entire explanation. Check it out on Youtube if you want to get angry/sad at NeoCons and Ultra Conservative Religious Hardliners.