Captain President

North Dakota was trying to pass a law banning masks. I'm sure it was also a workaround to ban hijabs as well. (Stupid for all the obvious reasons but also…it's frickin' cold up there and they can't wear masks?)

Dildos. Still waiting for the Dildo Gun.

Fruit on the bottom, Hope Fear and Bigotry on top!

Yeah. It doesn't make sense to not have a 'Storm the Gates!' moment with all of the best of's kicking mutant butt. This script could write itself.

He read the Twittered version……….sad

Hillary would have got us little progress in the economic welfare of average citizens, but is greatly preferable to the falling-backwards-down-a-flight-of-stairs that is Trump's America.

It is the strategy of Shock and Awe. Overload us with so many bad things that we cannot coalesce around a single cause and just stand as effectual as a deer in the headlights, except angrier.

They should replace it with a documentary about bigotry, xenophobia, and whatever else all the attendees wish to talk about. Then in closing say btw this won for best picture, etc. Do that with everything.

Can we get a database of all these evil mothers so we can prosecute them for war crimes after WW3?

Threats, bullying, wishing for death online. Please tell us more of your concerns with things.

Having a flame-throwing guitar doesn't hurt either.

Let's bomb New Zealand first. Just to fuck with them. - New Administration

You can survive. The real question is: would you want to?

She looks like a witch dying of cancer caused by a plastic surgery mishap.

The ending of season 2 will be Archie smiling insanely after bashing his face into the bathroom mirror repeating "How's Betty?"

I believe the Italians thought it was held on by Velcro.

Ah. Thanks for the clarification.

But The Onion told me they already have a Billion Dollar Abortionplex. Do they really need more cash?

Mitch all together

That tailor is awesome