Captain President

…Racist uncle steve, is that you?

"Sorry Slayer guy, but the Cabinet position has been filled." - The transition team.

To be fair, it's just one of the dudes

They are dreaming of a white christmas

Also the first people to piss themselves in the face of statistically unlikely terror!

I prefer Uxorious to the stupid 'c' one, because it seems more intelligent.

People also try to send out samples of them old school style by envelope. Some people have a problem with this.

I'm changing my life this year. Quitting my decent paying job after saving up ten grand and am going to get into a European College on the cheap. Caution into the wind!

It was until the last minute. Also the smile underneath the kazoo when he hit the gong was priceless.

But why male models?

Makes sense, since Slayer worships the Devil.

Holy Shit. I can't wait to fight Zombie Heisenberg.

It feels like there are two wings of the Dem Party at the moment: The Corporate and the Liberal. Both are progressive on social issues; The Corporate are overtly friendly to their big money contributions to the extent that they will back them against the lower/middle class whereas the Liberal Wing is shouted off as

I can't wait to protest that fight openly in the streets.

Could be?

Nope. I'm just having my weekly stroke.

I'm still a solid supporter of "The Ends Justify the Memes."

*Mind Blown!

I smell a soft robot!

Is a joke still funny if no one is alive to laugh at it?