Captain President

Not to worry Antisemitics! This movie is Israelite.

Jokes on you; I can't even chew gum!

Those will be considered the halcyon days compared to the incoming shiat show

I just hope Disney lets Rian Johnson have his way. Because his way will be fucking awesome!

The High-Heel Corporate Conglomerates.

"There could be legitimate reasons, but Mexico's…
And I don't like to simplistically vilify an entire country, but Mexico's a horrible place." -from Brothers Bloom and actually not a Trumper.

Git him ze fuck out of the orbit.



"Our label is our stamp of approval." So do they approve of their deaths? Gimp Triscuit's slightly less endotrophic pop-belcher brother should choke on a dick.

Oh now I am even more sad to learn she is a Scientologist. Not nearly as sad as when I learned an ex-girlfriend was a conservative because of strong women like Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin. Simply having a vagina is not enough to be one who is for equal rights among sexes, especially if that person actively

No you haven't, you Trumper you.

Something Something Disingenuous Right Wing Talking Point Angry Drooling…

Don't make her knock the Sackoff a witch.

He should graduate the turducken-face.


"Foester" isn't bad. Or Nemesisbook.

At least two. I do my part.

Those two choices are mutually exclusive.

It'll be featured in Stranger Things circa 2024.