Captain President

You're thinking of a Rusty Venture!

I agree with Rowan as I remember it being in the air (and feeling anxious) until they finally renewed in August.

It can be Ei8ht Things!

Uwe Boll is suspiciously absent

Life is a flat (gold) circle

Pirate! (Pyrite?)

Well if anyone can pull it off it is this man. Although I'd be interested to see it get the Paul Thomas Anderson treatment. Or fuck it, let's go big or go home with Del Toro, or put it into farce while pronouncing the class warfare aspect with Wes Anderson, or go heads-down balls-out with Aliens-era James Cameron.

I arrove.

If by 'Shoah' you mean watching his brothers and sisters writhe in agony for days before violently shedding their mortal coil, then yes.

"We're gonna make movies great again!"

huh!? Where am I? Oh God damn shit balls…Discus notifications woke me 90 minutes too early…

What about Edward James Olmos as "Detective Other Guy?"

"Look Who's Talking 2: The Quest for Curly's Gold"

Will Edward James Olmos be reprising his role as "that other guy?"

"Objection! your honor. I was told there would be no meth."

I keep getting this guy confused with the Gimp Triscuit singer.

It's the epitome of "Them's Fightin' Words!"

'The Epicenter' is a pretty bad motherfucker kind of name.

Spoilers Dude!

My hate mostly comes from it ending the production of the third Nightwatch movie Duskwatch, the quirky Russian wizard franchise. Although the movie changed them into vampires for some damn reason so I guess its death is acceptable.