Captain President

Ah, a Philosexual! Join our ever burgeoning group.

At least the story behind the script is interesting.

It has both a Marvel AND a DC character in it.

Yeah, that was mentioned on WTF podcast with Marc Maron; of which I totally endorse checking out.

Yeah, but the bear rape scene(s) in Passengers was totally authentic!

"I will pistol whip the next person who says 'Cuck' I swear to god."
"Hey Farva. What's that word you use on reddit a lot?"
"Cuck. Did you guys mean Cuck?"
"oooooohhh!" *offers side arm

Captain America does not approve of this thread.

I would like the Internet to track Samuel L Jackson via the official LMPCI model or Levels of Motherfucker Per Conversation Index.

I use the 'c' word because I watch too much The Thick of It and Veep, but I feel bad when I consider the implications. To me it's just an expletive or expletive concept, but to others it stirs up memories of misogyny…much like using 'rape' in a joking connotation. Perhaps this is what it means to 'grow up.'

I fucking hate the word 'cuck.' It just sounds so puerile; like something fifth grade boys would sling at each other. Just take an extra moment to say 'cuckold' and be done with it for fuck's sake.

I'm releasing a vinyl (3 stones.)

Can the man act? Let's throw him in front of a camera!

It was ahead of its time. It is the unironically the marching song for the Alt-Right movement; much like how conservatives lauded Stephen Colbert until they learned about satire.

I always viewed "Big Man with a Gun" as a satire of the emotional state of people trying to compensate for something they feel they don't have, for feeling less. The concept has been actualized on the internet, and now, sadly, the real world with the Alt-Right movement.

Just shut up and take my money!

In Trump's America, walls will be mandatory citizen!

Only if it ended with him literally gaining nets. Basketball, fishing, etc.

In Trump's America, there shall be no bottoms!

"Those “sources” could be the same ones that tattled to The Daily Mail, or they could be The Daily Mail itself, or they could be some guy at a bar making shit up, or they could be legit."

"Raiden! Remember in Mortal Kombat rules are rules; show no mercy."
*Raiden slides fingers across the brim of his hat.