Captain President

That scene played like the realization of the ongoing theme of "You'll shoot your eye out!" on A Christmas Story.

"if you squint and also don't give a shit"

That's why the 'F.' It committed itself into a nosedive that busted through to the other side.

Don't worry, they'll green screen it in.

In this film, when Seagal is not only absent from the scene, but in another room or behind the actor, their response is automatically "Hey, where's Steven Seagal?"

lunch would have been ideal but they couldn't afford craft services

When you hit the point where a movie is so bad that you would have been better off phone-filming the actors getting drunk at a dive bar.

Just watch some cable news or check out some infotainment sites before you go see the film. There would be no way to go but up.

Does J.K. Simmons make a cameo tossing chairs at the dancing lovebirds that they gracefully dodge and weave into their song? I hope so.

1. Find a way to make it her idea by placing items in view that acknowledge its quality as well as expressing interest in maybe seeing a film this weekend.
2. If she asks you if you want to go see it, agree supportive yet begrudgingly.
3. Profit.

If he fills up his kill punch card he gets free dry cleaning for a week!

We should have known when Team Arrow Writers left Olicity to die last season that they would be out for revenge; or at least teetering the line until the list surfaced again.

But wasn't that prior to Flashpoint, or did they show her locked up this season?

Poor poor Curtis.

"Adrian Chase isn’t even hiding how unhinged he is at this point. Next up
he’s just going to start wearing a shirt that says, 'Hi, I’m

To be fair Mondo is only a pawn in the game of life…


All I can say to Hollywood on this is Good Night and Good Luck!

Meta as fuck

Jared Leto…Maybe Deckard will kill him off immediately due to Leto portraying an android with the tattoo 'Robotic' on his forehead.