Captain President


I just stopped by to say "LOL, WTF is Starz?"

I think what JJ is trying to say is that we live in a post-prejudice society…so get over it already? (More Dark Satire)

Yeah, and why didn't the Jews in the concentration camps just fight back already? (Dark Satire)

"I can't believe you have a nemesis named Jost. What a stupid fucking name!"- in my best Walton Goggins cadence.

I can make that work! - Cinemax CEO

Yeah, give it to Dark Castle!

Jodorowsky's Doonesbury

Dune, Where's my Car?

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Dune

But enough about Trump.


K2yne We2t refu2e 2our


False. In Trump's America, there is nothing money can't buy.

Will Google pay me 97$ per hour at home for taking a shit? Because I could sure use that land rover!

History will be divided betwix two periods: before Trump and after Trump. Provided, that is, if we still have a means of communicating the past.

It turns woman into a pejorative.

Jon Spencer Blues Xplosion could play it ironically and the guests would be none the wiser.

Do books on tape of him reading his own books count?