Captain President

Blue Balls in me soul ma'am!

Simple: Refuse Death.


Now I want Peter Capaldi swearing up a storm against Vadar's stoic taciturn.

Which one is Kim Cattrall?

Valor player myself though I don't mind Instinct. Blue team can die in a pond of rotting Laprases.

Showtime's CEO of prolonging shows beyond their natural lifespan.

In death he has a name.



Build a wall and let Ayers pay for it!

"Fuck Legos!" - Duplo CEO

I'm against protesting but I don't know how to show it.

Or become a critic as well as your friends and speak derp to herp. Viva La Revolution!!!

still better than grimdark

Captain Marvel to the rescue!

Have U seen RW media?

Reward cash upon CW and have CW make movies using CW performers.

Her in Snow Piercer.

Like a Self-Offing Firing Squad!