Captain President

Mad Max 3

Is Micheal Bae Directing?

2Sic 2Serious

Monocle Lewinski!

And how!

Dead pool?

Film @ 11!

Huzzah for Veep

I seem to have wandered into the stroke ward.

I thought redneck tennis was Nascar.

He should have picked up Limitless…

It's like reverse vampires…obviously.

It's a Life Spoiler

My money's on ex Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain. Though I frequently broke so take that as you will. *quotes pokemon movie then smokebomb

Gob Bleuth "C'mon!"

"Fuck You, San Diego."

It's too soon to talk about gun laws.

That is a rite that requires implements; one cannot simply rest to recover it like a spell. Sadly, there is a current embargo of implement importation in India, or so I've heard.

But this bait is so cold.

Boseman is actually a few months younger. He sure doesn't look 39.