Captain President

No. bradley died on his way to the sun later that day.

I thought he did a fine Werner Herzog impression.

Your first mistake was checking the comments section on Youtube.

Yeah, but does it share a universe with Fargo?

Cat/Porn videos won't watch themselves.


I hope this movie doesn't last longer than 4 hours. I don't want to call my doctor.

And no one cares. If there is a McHell, I'll see you there. - Trent McReznor from Nine Inch McNails.

They are all edible if you have no standards.

Spoiler Alert. He fixes the cable.

I heard that Q will be in it and be played by Hannibal. (I heard this in my own fetish-fill head!)

To be fair, they had landscapes of all the celestial bodies just lying about.

SPOILER ALERT. The monster gains weight after a misplaced hole in an Arby's.

Is this true?
Yes it's true. This man's seen no dick.

Is it racist to say Riza Aziz looks like Buzz Aldrin?

Excellent. Another movie for Herman Cain to quote from. Watch your ass 2020!

3EB channeling Kenny Fucking Powers

News at 11

'Cause Fat Boys are so gosh darn impatient!

-The AV Club