Captain President

What, like do you mean smooshed together as one show?

I didn't mean to shit all over your table. My asshole is pre-programed to just go off every Sunday at this time. I simply forgot I'd be attending your wife's brunch.

Never go hunting with me

Those things should grow well given they are planted in shit

If Trump were a Magic The Gathering card he'd be a Legendary Troll with regenerate, and all Trolls you control get +2/+2 and rampage.

But what if you are a really really shitty hunter? Spray and Pray for the win.

The only time they care is when they are personally affected. For example the Brady Bill. It's as if they are incapable of empathy or perhaps just overwhelmed with self interest.

While you're at it, post their 'casual airport bathroom encounters' membership and activity.

The only time the Neo-Cons were for gun control was in the eighties when the Black Panthers were exercising their rights.

Oh, cool. Way to bite into my cynic world view! XD

Hey, hey now. They also really like money, so…

Oh yes, most people want to do something about it, yet enough of those people also continue to vote in the representatives that are funded by NRA money. Probably because Obama is coming for their guns any day now…

It's the new 'Red Scare' to sanction perpetual military activity.

I seem to remember The US just deciding that Osama was just not really a threat anymore and we should go after Saddam Hussein because reasons. Capturing the people responsible for 9/11 just wasn't that important.

Don't fool yourself, the seat will probably end up getting filled by someone more reactionary than him. Rubio lost because he was a RINO or some such nonsense.

Only a good baby with a gun can stop a bad baby with a gun.

Yeah, it seems that roughly half the voting population is just fine with it.

Fifty dead? Jesus.

Well…ah, I came.