Captain President

I'd watch that.

If you don't you're an android (and should be destroyed.)

Also, the 'bitten dick' status gives +1 to stealth rolls, -1 to charisma.

Was the episode called "Mouthful?"

Yes it's true. This man has no dick.

Where's my dose of Anthropomorphic Fox Mayhem? I'm Jonesing here.

My only complaint is that it was too short.

They were trying to clone Ripley from her deceased body that was already infected by the Alien. Apparently the Alien parasite infects you on a genetic level and they were trying to resurrect the creature but kept fucking it up.

"Things that aren't people are people friend." - The Canticle of Romney

Trump's plan for the country is to invest all of our money into short-selling American bonds, tanking the country, and then we all make out like bandits in a burning wasteland. Sad!

Stop killing yourselves you loser fucks. If you want to go down in a blaze of glory, take down the Donald with you. [REDACTED.]

Still ok with that.


Naw, it's Tommen Chong

He must be the Appalachian Mountain.

So you're saying he's Hillary?

Naw, he'll play him in Twister, Battleship, Checkers best 4 out of 7.

Lancel's such a stupid name.

No, it's Becky.