Captain President


In a lot of ways it is like the Venture Brothers in that it is a show about defeat.

I can masturbate to this!

Great (Blow)Job Internet!

Paul Ryan's favorite band!

"Danny told me not to trust you. He said you killed Mozart."
"Mo who?"
"I killed alot of people Jack."


How's about Sandor beats The Mountain to death with the High Sparrow?

The Whitewalkers will hit Dorne first (somehow) because they just fucking hate sand.

I'm beginning to feel left out; just sitting here, without bots of my own.

I'm beginning to suspect that The Waif is not a very friendly person.

I was hoping against hope that it was Nicolas Cage.

I'll allow it.

What a meta power it would be to devise danger and mood from breaking the fourth wall and hearing audio cues from the soundtrack. Seems like a very Deadpool-like power. I hope they throw it in the sequel. "What, you guys couldn't hear that?"

Arya andTyrion with Bron and the Hound fighting against all odds Back to Back. Explosions! Gunfire (for some reason.) "Shit just got real."

At the 19:30 mark of the clip up top John Oliver says that he is giving the debt to a non-profit medical debt forgiveness entity that specializes in forgiving debt while not leaving a tax burden on the forgivee. So hopefully it has been addressed.

Ah cool. I learn something today on the internet…that wasn't porn related!

They should exchange Snyder with Bay for all their respective upcoming movies.

How has Marvel changed it's plans? Are you referring to the Inhuman movie being pushed back/cancelled?

You sure it won't be called "Zack Snyder's Rape Curb-Stomp Death Death Darkcore Extravaganza?"