Captain President

What about collecting rings? The Mandarin/Sonic the Hedgehog Show is eagerly awaiting the green light.

Ooo. FX to have its very own version of Heroes…

"I found Lex Luthor to be real and relatable." - Donald Trump.

I still can't forgive him for taking the gig from Brian Cranston. You wanted a villain? I give you Lex Heisenberg.

That stank you are smelling? That's the Zack Snyder signature move!

Actors are corporations, friend.

Or their cousin-in-law Average-Speed Alvarez.

It does now.

The cursor thing is the Donald.

To be fair to the Star Wars franchise we do this in real life. See: American Foreign Policy.

Let's go all-in and cast Mr. Bean as the new Bond. Because we deserve nothing less, and nothing better.

No Vacanicy

PETA's been giving me problems on that front.

Sigh. That sounds like work. *somehow slouches even further into the skeleton of the easy chair

Oh, I bet you'd care if Benedict Cumbersnatch got cast. He's like the only English actor popcorn Americans know exist.

Time to join the MCU…

What's in the box? NOTHING! Why so stupid!?

I was going to bother replying, but there's no money in it.

Fuck it. Bring in Leone and make it a spaghetti spy flick.

So I guess this means Blofield wins!