Captain President


I could go for an Adam Sandler Bond said no one ever.

Mother, may I sleep with Dangerfield?

It's a step up from her days in the quarry.

Donnie in the header: Caption this photo. "I'ma gonna eat this lamp like a T-Rex!"

I always referred to Ed as 'Split-Dicked Pete.' I now feel my world is somewhat shattered.

I bet he'll be hil-arious!

I heard that Bran was up for the Van Damme gig, since he can also warg.

Captain Cold could probably fuck up Cage's shit.

There's a trick knife for that.

because Magneto's was too sticky?

Fraiser and his trick knives.

Didn't she get anything decent from looting Vandal Savage's bodies?

Dhark'll be back, just as soon as Flash/Legends fuck up the timeline.

Flame On!

His motto must be "Go Big or Go to Chili's."

Former, eh? So it's already begun.

You have turned us all into Stewarts, here, in the trailer park (of the internet)

This is the internet you are speaking of.

Bubble of the Sea!