Captain President

Feels like the baddie from Galaxy Quest.

An Abercrombie Bubble does sound like some hybrid of Science and Consumerism.

Oh, that's a fucking crime. I really enjoyed it, sans the CGI. Way to destroy quality studio! (Joss Whedon angrily tweets CGI's address)

Malcolm McDowell(and Brad Dourif)'s gag reel in the remake is fucking ridiculous. "And this, obviously, this canary has been raped."

I have never been more serious. Also Low Winter Sun.

But it still ain't got nothing on Legends of Tomorrow!!!1!

I too am still hungry.

So what do they have against Florence?

Quiet. My Jazz Hands are tingling!

You speak madness. If we do that, the fragile internet balance of cats/porn will be thrown askew!

Maybe he was getting Bran confused with Lupin.

2016/ABC strikes again

2 Train 2 Spotting

If you gotta ask, you can't afford it.

Familiar…in the biblical sense?


Looks like ABC is trying to fill out their Cancellation Punch Card. Just 2 more for a Free Sub!

I'm still holding out for a CW Super Hero/Crazy Ex-Girlfriend crossover from Rebecca's perspective. Oliver, Barry, Kara having their own songs. A Damien Darhk/Malcom Merlin duet about 'who's more sinister' would be worth the price of admission alone.

So now we can have Super Girl versus Grodd. I'm ok with this.

We need a hero with the title "Fastest Psychic Alive."