Captain President

How…inhuman of them.

What confuses me is why Cersi got such a low rating. Did Clinton take most of her followers?

It's not rebellious. She's just hungry and trying to catch flies.

Bill Pullman can lead a nation, nay, a planet, to defeat a superior alien hoard; gets suicided by japanese ghost.

"You should listen to me Clive. I out-rank you." - Major

jdm would be swell too

Anthony Starr would make a good real life Naughty Dog movie star. The Last of Us or Nathan Drake lead.

I was a barista in a library for a time. I also fell in love with a small man.

I'd be all for a time tripping heist/ass kickery spin off with Miller and Lotz.

All the bed and breakfasts I have encountered have been locked up tight and highly guarded. They were a bitch to get into to. Although to be fair, I was always arriving in the afternoon.

yeah, but one of DD's super powers is super short memory!

He did it to reassure the bikers that they could attack him without fear of getting shot. He's emotionally supportive that way.

This is a legitimate "Great Job Internet!"

Internet chooses…Gary Shandling? Motherfucker.

Shucks, don't sell yourself short. You do own/are a Boat. I don't even own/am the seat I used to type this.

Guys. Are we still doing phrasing?

He can be two things.

It'll only be the same if the fans hate it, then early in The Punisher season 1 it gets damaged, so he looks up the guy who made it (namely himself) and asks if it can be fixed. Then he responds that " It's fragile like an egg, need to make a new one, it'll take a few days, yadda yadda yadda, (sic) and he can patch it

Sgt Hightower has some pull in the force to help out his brother's nephew (since he's short he dropped the 'high' from his surname…obviously.)

Maybe it's a DareDevil joke?