Captain President

Wilson Fisk, on Harmonica. New York's Blues Traveler.

Nothing to lose one's head over.

Don't call it a come back!

Just shut up and take my software!

Please, it's called an African-American Sky or a Helper's Eve. #yourwordnotmine

It'll be Thanos. He gets easily bored (space ADHD) hunting for the damned gems and fancies the occasional dabble in extravagant heroine deals to mortals.

The Punisher trailer will have setting montages while Frank Castle reads "One Batch Two Batch, Penny and Dime." calling it.

When Banshee ends Netflix Marvel should employ their ass forth with!

I believe it may entail some off the cuff operating as well.

Did Clancy Brown help create Grodd?

As an optometrist by career, not hobby, I find Daredevil season 2 to be the most graphic horror story on television.

*Sigh…Sai to the eye!

Claire Templeton to Hospital Board of directors meeting: No fucks left to give.

Were you surprised? I was surprised!

Spoiler Alert: Blacksmith is an African-American Aerosmith tribute band.

What can a Netflix show ask more for? A six-demon bag!

Whereas the kid looked more Kurt Cobain at the shot where he went to sleep…

The answer is 6. 6 iron folk is plain ludicrous.

Fox was on Bone Tomahawk, which I respect.

That fucker would snap the blade.