Captain President

That fucker would snap the blade.

Went to a Flogging Molly show on St. Patty's day back in probably 08 or so. Had a full head of green hair, did some LSD, in the pits got tossed by the bouncers keeping people in the circle pit onto someone's shoulder spikes (drawing blood) and danced hand in hand with beautiful ladies to Whistles the Wind. I fucking

"Street Men With 21 Black Dicks…That Jump"

"Shoot him, I'm the REAL one!"

New Line could learn a thing from Deadpool.

But enough about Shia Labeouf's new concept art.

The Seeeexxxx Boooooaaaat! (music emojis everywhere)

"Jim is divided roughly into two parts." I see what you did there.

they did have a sex scene together. It's not what you think though.

can't we go back to bitching each other out in the Thursday editorials?

well he should be living an extra hundred years given the tasty beverage,

I find it ominous that the final sentence of the article is "The new season will finally premiere on Adult Swim on January 31," ending in a comma. I assume it is this year but with The Venture Brothers it could be 2020.

An E-quel?

Balls Deep

Fuck. Stop killing people I like World!

Bone Tomahawk is the first of the new Kurt Russel western trilogy (Hateful Eight the next in the series) in which he let's his facial hair take over.

R U A TROLL?!?!1?

…and fixes the cable

The Bear is his father