Captain President


An A+? Has China hacked the A.V. Club?

Sith is an anagram for shit. The more you know…

Tis the season to be sharing Great Boos Up.

It's fanfic. MRA fanfic

Santa? My Pebbles?

Kilgrave in Jedi form

He's an MRA writer

Please. They are called 'helpers.'

One third of the comments atm are spambots. David Gordan Green has finally made it as a Hollywood director.

Does he get to kill Friends? Let's hope so

I used to cry before it was cool.

Yikes. I was going to go to that theater. Thanks for taking the bullet for us Minnesota folks.

Weak humans can't watch two movies back to back. We saw it at a midnight release, then got breakfast

I still get gussied up to take a dump if that is any consolation.

It's actually much like Annie if QT directed it and had the characters beat the shit out of a foul talking Annie.

He should work as an acting coach for the RNC. I'm thinking in like a Harvey Keitel's 'The Wolf' capacity.

How is that unlike any of their non-vegetarian fare?

Dominos American Legends pizza

Would you massage a man's foot?