Captain President

Culprit is presumed to be an 'overzealous staffer.'

True Detective season three is hiring

so did you actually watch Definitely? The suspense is murderous.

That sounds like the great idea for a commercial! - Intern at MasterCard

It's warm…mandatory.

Yes. It costs more, is more widely available, and shittier in quality. Just what the consumers demand

It'll be in 70mm Panasonic Omni-D.

I thought Sense8 did pretty well in the department through Sci-Fi

Being a The Wire fan, just him existing was awesome. Giving more to do he would have repaid the show in dividends.

The one Robyn fan would feel left out

I thought that was just a line bought by Big Red gum

Next on Fox29 : When Surprise Reconciliation Threesomes Go Awry 3

We need to talk about Robyn

Marvel's Netflix needs to stop killing off their awesome black characters.

I thought the 'r' stood for Ronnie James.

Or maybe a shotgun laser. You know, something that does require as much accuracy. The First Order R & D should clock some hours on Borderlands 2 for research.

Divisive Jared Leto as Joker is best click bait.

Yes. He was such a badass and looming threat on Banshee and really the way of life in general. If he only had a bit more steam, he would have reverted America to it's pre-pilgrim days via a mass trail of tears for everyone not of his tribe.

Washing her tights?

He and Patrick Wilson were in Bone Tomahawk. So were actors Lili Simmons and Geno Segers from Banshee. It felt like a meeting of two shows.