Captain President

Same goes for Banshee. It's probably the best action show I've ever seen and has good performances and story.

Fargo ain't gonna suck off itself

If you make the right choices and pull off the quick time events well, you can minimize the gore. Although there is no escaping the fright and tension factor.

I had my hopes that Jimmy would choke on a bit of World by 2012.

How is it possible that you are always sitting on Gamer Gate 2.0? - The Internet Collective's Editor

I wish it didn't require the 'seriously'

This post offends me greater than Hitler eating baby Jesus - The Internet Collective

So what are they going to insert into the 35 minute per episode void they just created? (I bet it's a plethora of dicks)

my statement can be two things. Carry on citizen!

You, my friend, are a (storm) trooper.

As long as they keep Joel Schumacher away from it. Wouldn't want to end up with a Blackman and Bird Fella.

Berdie: "Thack, you cut your aorta!"
Clive Owen: "Don't sweat it Berdie." *produces and dons newly invented shades. "It's just a Knick."

Or…will Algie and Berdie don masks and fight racism, corruption, and other shit cutting a bloody fucking swathe through all the antagonists of the series.

Yeah, what a fucking 180 on his approval rating

With Facebook concurring I can't be wrong


I'm gonna go out on a limb and blame Obama

Hijinks in the Jungle: A prequel?

To be fair, they have more fingers than the common man.

I am also pleased. This news is all I need for the Holidays.