Captain President

Would you prefer The Crash Test Dummies instead?

Fargo is the prequel to Independence Day I didn't know I wanted.

A sleeve letter opener would be tits. Now I want one.

You don't think he ended up in the…kitchen?

Nobody puts Milligan in the corner

I still love you sir or madam. Happy Holidays!

You need to Netflex before you Netflix. The more you know

As a Metrosexual Hipster, instead of watching a 'star war' (too Reagan if you ask me) I'll instead opt to see Sisters 27 times.

What about a Hunger Games special? Y'know, like a special olympics version?

Phil? Like the groundhog? *guffaws unbound*

Too many Phils. Too many Phils.

What about the first man on earth? Doesn't anybody care about him?

Maybe the Aliens cloned him and he is leading the invasion?

*Spike Jonze angrily tweets Randy Quaid's address.

Each sequel will have montages of the Aliens blowing up continuously less significant shit. Blockbuster Video - Blam! Hut made out of sticks and mud - Kablooey! Roland Emmerich's career - Zork!

Shared Universe Bitches! - Uwe Bole, licking his chops


Welcome to Bel Air!

They should have just made it XCOM the movie.

It was the alien's hubris to ignore the Star Neckbeards and not install Linux Omega that lost the war.