Captain President

Anonymous declares war on Aliens.

We need Kilgrave to even the playing field. Jessica Jones, where did you last see Kilgrave?

The article is a masterpiece. Thank you president Barsanti.

Draftkings the motion picture?

This sounds like a slippery slope. Soon people will want to marry turtles and tradition will be thrown out the window

's night

A full episode of ash-less chaps? Sure, if you think so.

"You're not wrong Walter, you're just an asshole."

It's a religion.

Where's Danny McBride when you need him?

Should have been Nick Offerman

I dunno. Did anyone else find the plot a bit see-through?

I dig this Burroughs chap.

Still waiting for that 'surprise' police union fellas!

Outta the way Peck!

Yet a somehow appropriate Gold Bond girl name.

Just a heads up: much like Pepperridge Farms, Undertale remembers.

It's really DC's movie canon that's in the grave. That's one deep vertical mass grave you've got there.

They should have the tombstone on every 'previously on.' It can be like the CW's version of the terror alert system: There's always a chance so be afeared!

Smoke 1 marijuanas and live.